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Dystonia Therapy

Pittsburgh Dystonia Therapy Resource Page

Western PA Dystonia Support Group
 Allegheny General Hospital

Dr. Kukurin discusses the dystonia treatment techniques he pioneered.

<<< back.  Cervical dystonia is common, but dystonia can effect large portions of the body (generalized dystonia) or specific limbs (writer’s cramp or focal dystonia). It appears that all forms of dystonia have a common “root cause” which is an inability to inhibit muscle contraction.

Using specific muscle exercises and combining them with novel types of electrical stimulation, it is often possible to reverse the deficits in muscle inhibition seen in dystonia.  This helps the dystonia patient regain control over unwanted muscle contractions that cause involuntary movements, distorted postures and pain.

Are Dr. Kukurin’s dystonia treatment methods right for you?  

Schedule a phone consultation to find out.  Call      412.381.4453