Sadly nerves are much easier to damage than they are to heal and repair. In fact until recently we thought nerve damage was impossible to reverse. Recent research suggests that it may be possible to stimulate nerve re-growth and repair, but it is not easy!
A much better approach is to find the cause of your neuropathy and correct it, whenever possible; then work to repair the damage. It is surprising now many doctors start neuropathy treatment while ignoring the root cause of the condition.
I can tell you based on my experience of treating hundreds of neuropathy patients, results of treatment are much better when the cause of a patient’s neuropathy is identified and eliminated.
Thyroid, blood sugar and vitamin deficits are relatively easily correctable causes of neuropathy. Toxins, autoimmune and inflammatory causes are less common, but treatable causes of neuropathy. Did you known that many commonly prescribed medications can cause neuropathy?
Rule #1: Find and reduce the cause of neuropathy for better treatment results. ~ Dr. George W. Kukurin DC DACAN